Where are you practising from? Whose pasts and presents occupy the places from which you practise?
Why are you here? What brings you to this space?
What questions have you been grappling with and asking of your practice?
What do you want and need from this time of shared reflexivity?
Who is your community? What are your roles and responsibilities within this community? How are you connected to your community?
Whose voices (human and more-than-human) have you been listening to? Whose voices are becoming louder and more urgent?
What motivations currently inform your practice?
What does your practice look like?
What forms of relation are involved?
What is the rhythm of your practice?
Where did you learn your practice? Where else might you find your practice?
How do your methods help you to get to know the places and communities you are working with?
How do your methods enable communities to explore and respond to complex crises? What methods help you to understand the situated nuances of such crises?
As a means for bringing people together, how does your practice navigate and negotiate different world views?
What does care feel like in your practice?
How are you practising care at this moment, and for whom?
How do you choose what and who to care for? In your practice, what motivates the decisions that you make to care for one thing over another?
Care can be romanticised, commodified, and co-opted. How do you keep the problems of care in check?
Care can feel asphyxiating. Too much care can feel paralysing. How do you keep care from becoming too much in your practice, for yourself and others?
Who cares for your needs?
What kinds of care do you need and want to cultivate, in and through your practice?
What questions are you continuing to grapple with about your practice?
What elements of your practice still need to be transformed?
What do you want from your practice? What do you need from your practice?
What do your needs and wants ask of the future of your practice?
What do you need to arrive?
What are you willing to accept and not accept along the way?
What can be done differently now and under these conditions?